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16-OCFS-LCM-06 - SFY 2016-17 Enhanced Child Protective Services (CPS) Funds
The purpose of this Local Commissioners Memorandum (LCM) is to advise local social services districts (districts) of the availability of $758,000 of Local Assistance General Funds in the State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2016-17 Enacted Budget for the improvement of child protective services staff-to-client ratios. This LCM also provides information on each district’s allocation, the allocation methodology, how districts may use the funds, and planning and claiming requirements.
The purpose of this Local Commissioners Memorandum (LCM) is to advise local social services districts (districts) of the availability of $758,000 of Local Assistance General Funds in the State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2016-17 Enacted Budget for the improvement of child protective services staff-to-client ratios. This LCM also provides information on each district’s allocation, the allocation methodology, how districts may use the funds, and planning and claiming requirements.
Child Welfare and Community Services
Policies, External
17-OCFS-LCM-02 - After-Hours Transmission Procedure for Reports of Suspected Child Abuse and Maltreatment Registered by the New York Statewide Central Register of Child Abuse and Maltreatment
The purpose of this Local Commissioners Memorandum is to alert local commissioners that the New York Statewide Central Register of Child Abuse and Maltreatment (SCR) will no longer verbally transmit reports of suspected child abuse or maltreatment after hours but will only support the electronic transmission of such reports.
The purpose of this Local Commissioners Memorandum is to alert local commissioners that the New York Statewide Central Register of Child Abuse and Maltreatment (SCR) will no longer verbally transmit reports of suspected child abuse or maltreatment after hours but will only support the electronic transmission of such reports.
Child Welfare and Community Services
Policies, External
17-OCFS-LCM-03 - Amendments to the Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act by the Federal Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act of 2016 and Corresponding State Requirements
The purpose of this Local Commissioners Memorandum (LCM) is to inform local departments of social services (LDSSs) of the amendments made to the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) by the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act of 2016 (CARA) [Public Law 114-198]. The amendments relate to the needs of infants born and identified as being affected by prenatal substance and alcohol exposure. This LCM also serves to remind LDSSs of the procedures already in place that constitute New York State’s compliance with the CAPTA amendments.
The purpose of this Local Commissioners Memorandum (LCM) is to inform local departments of social services (LDSSs) of the amendments made to the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) by the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act of 2016 (CARA) [Public Law 114-198]. The amendments relate to the needs of infants born and identified as being affected by prenatal substance and alcohol exposure. This LCM also serves to remind LDSSs of the procedures already in place that constitute New York State’s compliance with the CAPTA amendments.
Child Welfare and Community Services
Policies, External
17-OCFS-LCM-07 - SFY 2017-18 Enhanced Child Protective Services (CPS) Funds
The purpose of this Local Commissioners Memorandum (LCM) is to advise local social services districts (districts) of the availability of $758,000 of Local Assistance General Funds in the State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2017-18 Enacted Budget for the improvement of child protective services staff-to-client ratios. This LCM also provides information on each district’s allocation, the allocation methodology, how districts may use the funds, and planning and claiming requirements.
The purpose of this Local Commissioners Memorandum (LCM) is to advise local social services districts (districts) of the availability of $758,000 of Local Assistance General Funds in the State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2017-18 Enacted Budget for the improvement of child protective services staff-to-client ratios. This LCM also provides information on each district’s allocation, the allocation methodology, how districts may use the funds, and planning and claiming requirements.
Child Welfare and Community Services
Policies, External
17-OCFS-LCM-08 - Federal Fiscal Year 2017 Independent Living Allocations
The purpose of this Local Commissioners Memorandum (LCM) is to inform local departments of social services (LDSSs) of the Chafee Foster Care Independence Program (CFCIP) allocations from the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2017 funds. The allocations contained in this memorandum’s Attachment A may be used for Independent Living (IL) services expenditures made October 1, 2016, through September 30, 2017, and claimed by March 31, 2018. Such claims will be paid up to the amount of the allocation and subject to a 20 percent state/local match requirement. Unclaimed allocation amounts will be redistributed to other LDSSs that have claims in excess of the allocation, or used to support the New York State Office of Children and Family Services' (OCFS) activities related to implementation of the Chafee Foster Care Independence Act, allowing New York State to maximize its use of funds available under this federal funding stream.
The purpose of this Local Commissioners Memorandum (LCM) is to inform local departments of social services (LDSSs) of the Chafee Foster Care Independence Program (CFCIP) allocations from the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2017 funds. The allocations contained in this memorandum’s Attachment A may be used for Independent Living (IL) services expenditures made October 1, 2016, through September 30, 2017, and claimed by March 31, 2018. Such claims will be paid up to the amount of the allocation and subject to a 20 percent state/local match requirement. Unclaimed allocation amounts will be redistributed to other LDSSs that have claims in excess of the allocation, or used to support the New York State Office of Children and Family Services' (OCFS) activities related to implementation of the Chafee Foster Care Independence Act, allowing New York State to maximize its use of funds available under this federal funding stream.
Child Welfare and Community Services
Policies, External
17-OCFS-LCM-14 - Establishing a Policy for the Use and Management of Mobile Devices by Local Departments of Social Services
This Local Commissioners Memorandum (LCM) provides local departments of social services (LDSSs) with information and guidance regarding the use and management of mobile devices. For purposes of this guidance, “mobile devices” are defined as smartphones (e.g., iPhone, BlackBerry, various Android phones) and tablets (e.g., iPad). Laptops are specifically excluded from the scope of this LCM because the security requirements and controls available for laptops are considerably different from those for mobile devices. This guidance is intended to help LDSSs improve the management and security of mobile devices and to convey what a mobile device policy in a LDSS should include.
This Local Commissioners Memorandum (LCM) provides local departments of social services (LDSSs) with information and guidance regarding the use and management of mobile devices. For purposes of this guidance, “mobile devices” are defined as smartphones (e.g., iPhone, BlackBerry, various Android phones) and tablets (e.g., iPad). Laptops are specifically excluded from the scope of this LCM because the security requirements and controls available for laptops are considerably different from those for mobile devices. This guidance is intended to help LDSSs improve the management and security of mobile devices and to convey what a mobile device policy in a LDSS should include.
Child Welfare and Community Services
Policies, External
17-OCFS-LCM-12 - Community Optional Preventive Services (COPS) Program $1,000,000 Set-Aside Funding Instructions (FFY 2016-17/SFY 2017-18)
The purpose of this Local Commissioners Memorandum (LCM) is to advise local departments of social services (LDSSs) of the availability of $1,000,000 in Community Optional Preventive Services (COPS) funding, which has been set aside from the total COPS appropriation of $12,124,750 available for the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2016-17/State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2017-18. The $1,000,000 COPS set-aside funding is designated as a separate funding source from the larger COPS program, and has different requirements for LDSS applications for funding, program reporting, and financial claiming.
The purpose of this Local Commissioners Memorandum (LCM) is to advise local departments of social services (LDSSs) of the availability of $1,000,000 in Community Optional Preventive Services (COPS) funding, which has been set aside from the total COPS appropriation of $12,124,750 available for the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2016-17/State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2017-18. The $1,000,000 COPS set-aside funding is designated as a separate funding source from the larger COPS program, and has different requirements for LDSS applications for funding, program reporting, and financial claiming.
Child Welfare and Community Services
Policies, External
15-OCFS-INF-06 - Child Welfare Caseworkers’ Use of Naloxone (Narcan)
The purpose of this Informational Letter (INF) is to provide information to Local Departments of Social Services (LDSSs) regarding certification of child welfare caseworkers as opioid overdose responders, and administering naloxone in response to an overdose event. The New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) does not prohibit or require child welfare caseworkers to administer naloxone as an opiate overdose responder, or as a function of case planning or casework responsibilities.
The purpose of this Informational Letter (INF) is to provide information to Local Departments of Social Services (LDSSs) regarding certification of child welfare caseworkers as opioid overdose responders, and administering naloxone in response to an overdose event. The New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) does not prohibit or require child welfare caseworkers to administer naloxone as an opiate overdose responder, or as a function of case planning or casework responsibilities.
Child Welfare and Community Services
Policies, External
15-OCFS-LCM-03 - SFY 2016 Enhanced CPS Funds
The purpose of this Local Commissioners Memorandum (LCM) is to advise local social services districts (districts) of the availability of $757,200 of Local Assistance General Funds in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 Enacted Budget for the improvement of child protective services staff-to-client ratios. This LCM also provides information on each social services district’s allocation, the allocation methodology, how districts may use the funds, and planning and claiming requirements.
The purpose of this Local Commissioners Memorandum (LCM) is to advise local social services districts (districts) of the availability of $757,200 of Local Assistance General Funds in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 Enacted Budget for the improvement of child protective services staff-to-client ratios. This LCM also provides information on each social services district’s allocation, the allocation methodology, how districts may use the funds, and planning and claiming requirements.
Child Welfare and Community Services
Policies, External
15-OCFS-LCM-06 - TANF Funding for Non-Residential Domestic Violence Services for FY 2016
The purpose of this Local Commissioners Memorandum (LCM) is to notify Local Departments of Social Services (LDSSs) of their allocations for non-residential domestic violence (DV) services administered through the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS). The enacted budget for State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2016 includes a Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) appropriation of $3,000,000 for the provision of non-residential domestic violence services. The allocation for each LDSS is listed in Attachment A of this document.
The purpose of this Local Commissioners Memorandum (LCM) is to notify Local Departments of Social Services (LDSSs) of their allocations for non-residential domestic violence (DV) services administered through the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS). The enacted budget for State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2016 includes a Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) appropriation of $3,000,000 for the provision of non-residential domestic violence services. The allocation for each LDSS is listed in Attachment A of this document.
Child Welfare and Community Services
Policies, External
15-OCFS-LCM-07 - Federal Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Education and Training Voucher Program
The purpose of this Local Commissioners Memorandum (LCM) is to provide guidance to local departments of social services (LDSSs) on the federal fiscal year (FFY) 2015-2016 Education and Training Voucher (ETV) program. The ETV program is intended to help youth aging out of foster care to make the transition to self-sufficiency and receive the education, training and services necessary to obtain employment. This LCM also describes the application process, eligibility criteria for awarding FFY 2015-2016 ETV program funds and the funding requirements.
The purpose of this Local Commissioners Memorandum (LCM) is to provide guidance to local departments of social services (LDSSs) on the federal fiscal year (FFY) 2015-2016 Education and Training Voucher (ETV) program. The ETV program is intended to help youth aging out of foster care to make the transition to self-sufficiency and receive the education, training and services necessary to obtain employment. This LCM also describes the application process, eligibility criteria for awarding FFY 2015-2016 ETV program funds and the funding requirements.
Child Welfare and Community Services
Policies, External
15-OCFS-LCM-12 - Community Optional Preventive Services (COPS) Program FFY 2014-2015 and SFY 2015-2016 Funding and Claiming Instructions(L)
The purpose of this Local Commissioner’s Memorandum (LCM) is to advise local departments of social services (LDSSs) of the availability of $11,124,750 in state funding for Community Optional Preventive Services (COPS) programs in State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2015-16. A list of preliminary district allocations for COPS programs is provided as an attachment to this LCM. Information and instructions regarding required reporting on program outcomes, and instructions for financial claiming are attached to this LCM. An additional $1,000,000 has been set aside as a separate allocation from the $11,124,750 COPS appropriation. Specifications for the $1,000,000 COPS set-aside funding were addressed in a separately issued LCM, 15-OCFS-LCM-10.
The purpose of this Local Commissioner’s Memorandum (LCM) is to advise local departments of social services (LDSSs) of the availability of $11,124,750 in state funding for Community Optional Preventive Services (COPS) programs in State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2015-16. A list of preliminary district allocations for COPS programs is provided as an attachment to this LCM. Information and instructions regarding required reporting on program outcomes, and instructions for financial claiming are attached to this LCM. An additional $1,000,000 has been set aside as a separate allocation from the $11,124,750 COPS appropriation. Specifications for the $1,000,000 COPS set-aside funding were addressed in a separately issued LCM, 15-OCFS-LCM-10.
Child Welfare and Community Services
Policies, External
15-OCFS-LCM-14 - Guidelines and Instructions for Preparing the Child and Family Services Plan Update
The purpose of this Local Commissioners Memorandum (LCM) is to provide guidance to local departments of social services (LDSS) for the completion of the required Annual Plan Update (APU) for the county Child and Family Services Plan (CFSP). These guidelines are also being shared with county youth bureaus and county probation departments. The APU is due January 31, 2016. Through this APU, LDSSs will report on any changes being implemented in their current CFSP and make any necessary changes to the CFSP for the remaining period of their plan. County youth bureaus and LDSSs are required by statute to develop and submit to New York State local multi-year plans for the provision of services and the allocation of resources, including the required Persons in Needs of Supervision (PINS) Diversion Plan that is developed by LDSSs, county youth bureaus, and county probation departments.
The purpose of this Local Commissioners Memorandum (LCM) is to provide guidance to local departments of social services (LDSS) for the completion of the required Annual Plan Update (APU) for the county Child and Family Services Plan (CFSP). These guidelines are also being shared with county youth bureaus and county probation departments. The APU is due January 31, 2016. Through this APU, LDSSs will report on any changes being implemented in their current CFSP and make any necessary changes to the CFSP for the remaining period of their plan. County youth bureaus and LDSSs are required by statute to develop and submit to New York State local multi-year plans for the provision of services and the allocation of resources, including the required Persons in Needs of Supervision (PINS) Diversion Plan that is developed by LDSSs, county youth bureaus, and county probation departments.
Child Welfare and Community Services
Policies, External
15-OCFS-ADM-12 - Revised Payment Rates for Bridges to Health (B2H) Home and Community-Based Waiver Services, Effective January 1, 2015 – March 31, 2015 and April 1, 2015
The purpose of this New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) Administrative Directive (ADM) is to publish new provider rates for the Bridges to Health (B2H) Home and Community-Based Medicaid Waiver Program. Specifically this ADM is to implement the Statutory Trend Factor (STF) for the Direct Care and Direct Support Professionals Initiative included in the Enacted Budget for State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2014-15, as authorized by Part I of Chapter 60 of the Laws of 2014. This legislation provides for an STF of two percent for increases in annual salary and salary-related fringe benefits for direct care staff and direct support professionals, and is applicable to all programs for which OCFS establishes Maximum State Aid Rates (MSARs) and Committee on Special Education (CSE) Maintenance Rates pursuant to Social Services Law (SSL) §398-a and §§4403 and 4405 of the Education Law, including payment to foster parents and adoptive parents, and kinship guardianship assistance program (KinGAP) guardians, beginning January 1, 2015. This enacted legislation also includes a second STF of two percent for increases in annual salary and salary-related fringe benefits for direct care staff and clinical staff, and direct support professionals, including payment to foster parents and adoptive parents and KinGAP guardians, effective April 1, 2015. Please note this ADM addresses the increases that are required commencing January 1, 2015, and the implementation of the STF that is required commencing April 1, 2015. All B2H rates are billable to the Medicaid program by enrolled B2H providers.
The purpose of this New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) Administrative Directive (ADM) is to publish new provider rates for the Bridges to Health (B2H) Home and Community-Based Medicaid Waiver Program. Specifically this ADM is to implement the Statutory Trend Factor (STF) for the Direct Care and Direct Support Professionals Initiative included in the Enacted Budget for State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2014-15, as authorized by Part I of Chapter 60 of the Laws of 2014. This legislation provides for an STF of two percent for increases in annual salary and salary-related fringe benefits for direct care staff and direct support professionals, and is applicable to all programs for which OCFS establishes Maximum State Aid Rates (MSARs) and Committee on Special Education (CSE) Maintenance Rates pursuant to Social Services Law (SSL) §398-a and §§4403 and 4405 of the Education Law, including payment to foster parents and adoptive parents, and kinship guardianship assistance program (KinGAP) guardians, beginning January 1, 2015. This enacted legislation also includes a second STF of two percent for increases in annual salary and salary-related fringe benefits for direct care staff and clinical staff, and direct support professionals, including payment to foster parents and adoptive parents and KinGAP guardians, effective April 1, 2015. Please note this ADM addresses the increases that are required commencing January 1, 2015, and the implementation of the STF that is required commencing April 1, 2015. All B2H rates are billable to the Medicaid program by enrolled B2H providers.
Child Welfare and Community Services
Policies, External
Child Welfare and Community Services
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Child Welfare and Community Services
Child Welfare and Community Services
Child Welfare and Community Services
Child Welfare and Community Services
Child Welfare and Community Services