Youth Advisory Board

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The mission of the OCFS Youth Advisory Board (YAB) is to make a difference for youth in care by giving them the voice to help create positive changes in the foster care system. The board is comprised of up to 15 members who provide feedback on their experience in foster care and help shape state policies and initiatives. They are young adults from all around New York State who advise and collaborate with OCFS on policy topics related to foster care as they shape their transition to independence. YAB members have been speakers at venues such as the OCFS Homefinders Summit, the New York Public Welfare Association’s annual conferences, and various speak-out events around the state.

Become A Youth Advisory Board Member

You are eligible if

Youth Advisory Board Member Application: OCFS-4707 Word | OCFS-4707 PDF

Board Member Commitments

Board Member Benefits

YAB Accomplishments

Foster Care:

National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD):


If you would like to learn more about the Youth Advisory Board, email
