Completing the Annual Plan

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Municipalities continue to see the benefits and cost savings that STSJP can bring to their local strategy to serve youth who are at risk of and/or come into contact with the juvenile justice system. OCFS encourages all municipalities to submit an STSJP plan for the upcoming program year.


Use the following form to complete your municipality’s STSJP Annual Plan for PY 2023-2024. For additional guidance, please keep reading below.

Use the following resources and information to assist you in completing the STSJP Annual Plan for PY 2024-2025.

E-mail the completed form to OCFS via the STSJP mailbox:


Executive Law § 529-b requires participating municipalities to engage in a collaborative effort to support the successful planning and administration of STSJP-funded programs. To achieve this, OCFS recommends that there be a standing committee of STSJP stakeholders.

The STSJP plan must be developed in collaboration with the local social services districts, departments of probation, youth bureaus, local law enforcement, as well as with courts, service providers, schools, and youth development programs. Family, youth and community feedback should also be included during plan development.

Designating a Lead Agency

The chief executive/administrative official must designate a lead agency to plan and administer the Supervision and Treatment Services for Juveniles Program if the municipality elects to participate in STSJP. Which entity should administer services - probation or the local department of social services (LDSS)?

Application Guidelines

Executive Law § 529-b requires municipalities to address the following components in their STSJP plans:

Please see the Municipality Planning Resources page for data and information that will assist you in addressing these requirements.