Online Resource Materials

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Policy Directives

Adminstrative Directives

21-OCFS-ADM-07 - Supporting Foster Youth and Families through the Pandemic Act

The purpose of this Administrative Directive (ADM) is to notify local departments of social services (LDSSs) and voluntary authorized agencies (VAs) of the requirements in Supporting Foster Youth and Families through the Pandemic Act, Division X of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, Public Law (P.L.) 116-260, including a moratorium on youth aging out of foster care, reentry into foster care for youth who previously aged out of foster care during the COVID-19 health emergency period, and additional funding for the Chafee and Education Training Vouchers.


18-OCFS-ADM-19 Responsibility of Runaway and Homeless Youth Crisis Services Programs Regarding Destitute Children and Youth Formerly in Foster Care

This ADM directs runaway and homeless youth (RHY) programs to take specific actions when youth who are former foster care recipients or who may meet the definition of destitute child, as this term is defined in section 1092 of the Family Court Act (FCA), present at RHY programs.

18-OCFS-ADM-03 (Revised) Expansion of the Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program (KinGAP)

This ADM advises local departments of social services and voluntary agencies of the provisions of Chapter 384 of the Laws of 2017 (Chapter 384). Chapter 384 was signed by Governor Andrew Cuomo on October 23, 2017. It expands the Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program (KinGAP) related to who may be eligible to receive KinGAP payments, and extends the duration of certain KinGAP payments until the child reaches 21 years of age. The changes made by Chapter 384 are referred to as “KinGAP Expansion.”

16-OCFS-ADM-18 Placement, Visitation and Contact for Siblings in Foster Care

This ADM advises local departments of social services (LDSSs) and voluntary agencies (VAs) of the provisions of Chapter 242 of the Laws of 2016 (the Chapter). The Chapter amends various provisions of the Family Court Act (FCA) and the Social Services Law (SSL) that pertain to contact and visitation between siblings (including half-siblings) when one or more of the siblings have been removed from their home.

17-OCFS-ADM-14 Family Visiting Policy for Children in Foster Care

This ADM advises local departments of social services (LDSSs) and voluntary authorized agencies (VAs) of the need to develop a written policy, consistent with the safety and best interests of the child, related to regular parenting time (visitation by the parent of the child in foster care) and family visitation for children in foster care. This ADM notes that contact between the child and his or her parent(s) is aimed at parenting the child, thus throughout it is called parenting time. For other family members, it is called visitation.

17-OCFS-ADM-12 Provision of Dental Services for Children and Youth in Foster Care

This ADM informs local departments of social services (LDSSs) and voluntary authorized agencies (VAs) of the regulatory requirements regarding the provision of regular oral and/or dental care screenings and referral for necessary dental care.

16-OCFS-ADM-09 Protocols and Procedures for Locating and Responding to Children and Youth Missing From Foster Care and Non- Foster Care

This ADM informs local departments of social services (LDSSs) and voluntary authorized agencies (VAs) of the requirements regarding the response to youth who are absent without consent, missing or abducted from care or home as set forth in the federal Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act (the Act) [P.L. 113-183] and regulation at 18 NYCRR 431.8. This ADM provides guidance on locating a child/youth who is absent without consent, missing, or abducted from either foster care or their home, as well as direction to caseworkers for responding once the youth returns to care.

16-OCFS-ADM-08 Permanency Hearing Notification and Participation Requirements

This ADM advises local departments of social services (LDSSs) and voluntary authorized agencies (VAs) regarding the provisions of Chapter 573 of the Laws of 2015 as amended by Chapter 14 of the Laws of 2016. These chapters amend Article 10-A of the Family Court Act (FCA) in relation to the notification and participation of children in foster care 10 years of age or older in their permanency hearings.

15-OCFS-ADM-22 Case Planning for Youth in Foster Care 14 Years of Age or Older

This ADM addresses the implementation of provisions of the federal Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act (P.L. 113-183) that focus on case and transition planning for youth in foster care 14 years of age or older.

15-OCFS-ADM-21 Supporting Normative Experiences for Children, Youth, and Young Adults in Foster Care - Applying a Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard

This ADM provides information to local departments of social services and voluntary authorized agencies regarding the requirement to implement the reasonable and prudent parent standard set forth in the federal Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act (P.L. 113-183). This ADM includes (1) definitions of the standard, caregiver, and age or developmentally appropriate activities, (2) opportunities for implementing the standard utilizing the Family Assessment Service Plan (FASP) and Service Plan Review (SPR), and (3) considerations for applying the standard, including the issue of caretaker liability.

15-OCFS-ADM-20 Transition Planning with Youth for a Successful Discharge

This ADM provides local departments of social services and voluntary authorized agencies with guidance on how to develop and implement a transition plan with all youth to prepare them for a successful adulthood and to discuss the specific transition plan requirements that are required for youth age 18 and older who are exiting foster care. This ADM advises LDSSs and VAs of new requirements contained in the federal Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act (P.L. 113-183) pertaining to providing essential documents to youth who have been in foster care for at least six months and who leave foster care at age 18 or older.

Attachment: Transition Plan Timeline

15-OCFS-ADM-19 Planning for a Successful Adulthood: Another Planned Permanent Living Arrangement with a Permanency Resource (APPLA) for Youth 16 Years of Age and Older

This ADM addresses the implementation of certain provisions of the federal Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act (P.L. 113-183) by amending the use of Another Planned Permanent Living Arrangement with a Permanency Resource (APPLA) as a permanency planning goal, eliminating its use for children in foster care who are under the age of 16. The policy also describes new criteria for procedures and documentation that must be used when considering APPLA as the permanency plan goal for a youth.

15-OCFS-ADM-18 New York State Bill of Rights for Children and Youth in Foster Care

This ADM notifies local districts and foster care agencies about changes in the New York State Bill of Rights for Children and Youth in Foster Care to conform with requirements in the Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act (P.L. 113-183) and in new state regulations. It also advises about a new requirement to distribute the Bill of Rights to all foster care youth who are 14 years or older.

15-OCFS-ADM-17 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and Medicaid to Age 26

This ADM describes changes under the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that provide Medicaid eligibility for certain youth and young adults formerly in foster care who are under the age of 26 years. It also describes the continuing eligibility for Medicaid under the Foster Care Independence Act (FCIA) of 1999 for former foster care youth until they are 21 years old for youth who are at least 18 years of age at the time of discharge from care and not in receipt of Medicaid at discharge.

15-OCFS-ADM-13 Required Annual Credit Checks for Youth and Young Adults in Foster Care 14 Years of Age and Older

This ADM advises local departments of social services and voluntary authorized agencies of a change in the federal law that requires states to request consumer reports for youth in foster care who have attained 14 years of age. Prior to the law changing, the age was 16 years. This reflects requirements in the Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act (P.L. 113- 183).

Informational Letters

221-OCFS-INF-04 - Temporary Federal Changes to Chafee, ETV and Title IV-E

The purpose of this Informational Letter (INF) is to inform local departments of social services (LDSSs) and voluntary agencies (VAs) of the application and eligibility requirements that must be met for youth to participate in the New York State Education and Training Voucher (ETV) program.

Attachment: Chart of Temporary Federal Changes to Chafee, ETV and Title IV-E

21-OCFS-INF-02 - Education and Training Voucher Application and Eligibility Requirementss

The purpose of this Informational Letter (INF) is to inform local departments of social services (LDSSs) and voluntary agencies (VAs) of the application and eligibility requirements that must be met for youth to participate in the New York State Education and Training Voucher (ETV) program.

18-OCFS-INF-04 Education and Training Voucher Eligibility Requirements

This INF informs local departments of social services (LDSSs) and voluntary agencies (Vas) of the application and eligibility requirements that must be met for youth to participate in the NYS Education and Training Voucher (ETV)program.

Local Commissioner Memoranda

21-OCFS-LCM-32 - Revised Federal Fiscal Year 2020 John H. Chafee Foster Care Program for Successful Transition to Adulthood: Independent Living Allocations

The purpose of the John H. Chafee Foster Care Program for Successful Transition to Adulthood (CFCP) is to help current and former foster care youth achieve self-sufficiency. This Local Commissioners Memorandum (LCM) informs local departments of social services (LDSSs) of the CFCP allocations from the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2020 funds and provides the amount of FFY 20 Chafee that was used to support youth over the age of 21 (aging out).


21-OCFS-LCM-07 - Federal Fiscal Year 2021 John H. Chafee Foster Care Program for Successful Transition to Adulthood: Independent Living Allocations

The purpose of the John H. Chafee Foster Care Program for Successful Transition to Adulthood (CFCP) is to assist current and former youth in foster care achieve self-sufficiency. This Local Commissioners Memorandum (LCM) informs local departments of social services (LDSSs) of the CFCP allocations from the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2021 funds.


New York State Agencies

NYS Organizations/Programs

Federal Government Resource Materials

National Organizations/Agencies/Programs


Transition Plan Overview for Youth in Foster Care – February 14, 2024

Casey - Youth Life Skills Development

Education Resources

Mentoring Foster Care Youth