You are on this page: Resources for LGBTQ Youth
The Office of Children and Family Services is dedicated to treating all youth, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity and expression, with respect and dignity. Please find below links to resources for LGBTQ youth.
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Mental Health Supports
If you are a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning youth experiencing depression and/or suicidal thoughts, please immediately call one of the hotlines below:
- 1-866-488-7386 to speak with a trained counselor at The Trevor Project. The Trevor Project is a suicide prevention hotline devoted to LGBTQ youth.
- 1-800-273-8255 to speak with the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline connects people in crisis to counselors, free of charge, across the United States.
- 1-800-273-8255 to speak with a counselor from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention provides resources and research to prevent suicide.
- Can also text HOME to 741741 to connect with a Crisis Text Line counselor via text message.
Safe Shelter
If you have run away, or are considering running away, consider reaching out to the resources below:
- OCFS oversees Runaway and Homeless Youth Shelters in New York State.
- Check out the directory of programs across New York State.
- Find a 24-hour or crisis hotline for shelters.
- The National Runaway Safeline for confidential and affirming support: 800-786-2929. They also offer text and email support, and a forum for peer discussion.
- The Ali Forney Center is dedicated to housing LGBTQ runaway and/or homeless youth. The Ali Forney Center serves youth ages 16-24 in New York City.
- Pride for Youth provides services and advocates for LGBTQ youth in Queens, Nassau, and Suffolk counties.
Foster Care
If you are in foster care, the New York State Bill of Rights for Children and Youth in Foster Care is available both English and Spanish. The document also informs youth of what actions they may take if they feel that their rights are not being respected.
- OCFS Youth Advisory Board (YAB) Version of Bill of Rights Tip Sheet
- OCFS YAB version Attorney for the Child Tip Sheet
Local Resources
If you are looking for local resources, the following directories can help you identify your nearest LGBTQ Center, or LGBTQ-affirming service provider.
For a safe online space to communicate with someone about your LGBTQ identity, you can reach out to the LGBT National Help Center. They offer:
- A national LGBT youth talk line: 800-246-7743
- Weekly online chat rooms
- Online chat with peers
Look up your nearest LGBTQ Center on Center Link, a nationwide directory of LGBTQ Centers. Many LGBTQ Centers provide the following services:
- Direct access or referral to LGBTQ-affirming mental and medical health providers, legal services, nonprofit programming, housing/shelter needs, etc.
- Cultural competency training for agencies, districts, schools, etc.
- LGBTQ-affirming and informed mental health professionals on staff
- Ongoing programming for youth and adults
- Consultation services to assist in program development or incident resolution
Find your nearest LGBTQ Health and Human Services provider online from this New York State LGBT Health and Human Services Network directory, maintained by The Center in New York City.
If you are in New York City, LGBTQ-affirming providers are also listed at the NYC Comptroller’s LGBTQ Guide of Services. The directory includes different categories of service types, specific LGBTQ identities, an interactive map, and a search function.
Legal Resources
If you are an LGBTQ youth in need of legal support, please see the resources below:
- For transgender, gender nonconforming and nonbinary youth, if you are looking for legal support, or guidance on common issues like name change, gender marker adjustment, or other legal information, visit the Sylvia Rivera Law Project.
- To learn more about opportunities for advocacy or to seek legal support, please visit the New York Civil Liberties Union.
- For more information about the rights and protections of LGBTQ youth in out-of-home placement, please visit Lambda Legal.
- For information on policies protecting LGBTQ people in New York State, please visit the Policies and Laws page located in the left sidebar.