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Detention Forms
- OCFS-0014 - Detention Care Provided and Fiscal Summary
- OCFS-0290 - Application to Operate a Family Boarding Facility
- OCFS-0291 - Application to Operate a Secure or Non-Secure Detention Facility
- OCFS-0291a - Application to Operate a New Specialized Secure Detention Facility
- OCFS-0291b - Application Guidelines for Construction and Substantial Remodeling-Specialized Secure Detention (SDD) Facility
- OCFS-0293 - Fire Safety Checklist Non-Secure Detention Family Boarding Homes
- OCFS-2400 - Detention Cost Report Instructions
- OCFS-2651 - Detention Program Statistics
- OCFS-2652 - Detention Program Cost Report
- OCFS-2654 - Detention Program Income Report
- OCFS-2668 - Detention Program Salary Itemization
- OCFS-4282 - Youth Detention Out-of-County Bed Request Form
- OCFS-4830 - Detention Services Unusual Incident Report
- OCFS-4887 - Request for Waiver
- OCFS-5245 - Request for 15 Day Extension of Detention for Juvenile Delinquent Only