Children & Family Trust Fund

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April is Child Abuse Prevention and Family Strengthening and Support Month. Follow the April 2024 Protective Factors calendar with simple daily action steps that make a difference in the lives of children and families.

Strengthening Families – Working Together Upstream

Working to prevent family violence in all its forms (child abuse, domestic violence, elder abuse and prevention) relies on each and every one of us. The William B. Hoyt Memorial Children and Family Trust Fund (Trust Fund), together with OCFS, has invested more than $63 million in state and federal funds to support services that foster family protective factors like:

It is the Trust Fund’s priority to build partnerships with families, support the social and emotional well-being of children, and link families to critical resources that all New York families need to raise healthy children and positively contribute to their communities.

The Trust Fund was launched in 1984 under the leadership of Assemblyman William B. Hoyt, who partnered with Prevent Child Abuse New York and other key stakeholders to combat the intergenerational spectrum of family violence. The legislation was established through the passage of the New York State Social Services Law, Article 10-A, Section 481-e. The Trust Fund was renamed in Assemblyman Hoyt’s memory upon his death in 1992.

The Trust Fund’s investment in prevention programs around the state serve to improve the lives of children, youth, vulnerable adults, and families by increasing protective factors with families at greater risk, by reducing incidences of abusive head trauma or shaken baby syndrome, by increasing the safety of the elderly, by reducing trauma to children affected by domestic violence, and by providing caregivers with helpful strategies to keep their children safe.

Trust Fund services include family support and case management, evidence-based parenting education, trauma-informed services for families affected by domestic violence, home visiting programs, peer support, abusive partner intervention, parent/kinship caregiver engagement and leadership, elder abuse services, and community awareness and education.

The Trust Fund operates with the advice and recommendations of a 13-member Trust Fund Advisory Board representing all regions of the state with expertise in child welfare, domestic violence and elder abuse services, kinship caregiver services, legal and mental health services, and resource development.

New York's Trust Fund is member of the National Alliance of Children's Trust and Prevention Funds, a national voice for child abuse prevention that provides valuable resources and technical support.

Family Resource and Opportunity Centers

Family Resource and Opportunity Centers (FROCs) provide families access to the programs and resources needed to help children grow into healthy and productive members of their communities. FRCs are one type of program implemented with CBCAP funds. Families are at the center of FROCs, with parent involvement, parent choice, and parent leadership being key to their success.