Assistive Technology Training Resources - Hempstead

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There are 6 resources listed for the Hempstead region.


Carlos Herrera - Access Technology Services

Phone: 516-991-8892


Regions Covered: Manhattan, Queens, Bronx, Brooklyn, Staten Island and Long Island

Technology Knowledge: JAWS, Zoomtext, Magic, Open Book, Kurzweil, Windows, Microsoft Office, Internet, CCTVs, Victor Reader Stream, Software Installation and Computer Trouble Shooting

Educational Background: Bachelor's Degree - Sociology

Experience: 20 Years Experience in Assistive Technology and Training

Days of Availability: Monday - Sunday - Flexible

Remote technical assistance (JAWS): Yes

Training Locations: Consumer's Home, Work, School

Helen Keller Services for the Blind (Assistive Technology Center)

Address: 1 Helen Keller Way
Hempstead, NY11550

Phone: 516-485-1234

Regions Covered: Suffolk, Nassau, Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island

Technology Knowledge: JAWS, Window-Eyes, Zoomtext, Windows, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Email, Internet, Open Book, Kurzweil, Antivirus Applications, CCTVs, Note Takers, Victor Reader Stream

Days of Availability: Monday - Friday 8:30 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.

Remote technical assistance (JAWS): Yes

Training Locations: Helen Keller Services for the Blind Training Center

Horace Smith

Phone: 917-295-8155


Regions Covered: Bronx, Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island and Long Island

Technology Knowledge: JAWS, Window-Eyes, Zoomtext, Magic, Open Book, Kurzweil, Windows XP, Vista, 7, Microsoft Office 97, 2003, 2007, 2010, CCTVs, Note Takers, Victor Reader Stream, Braille Translation Software and Braille Printers

Educational Background: Bachelor's Degree - Computer Science

Certificates: Computer Electronics

Experience: 12 Years - Helen Keller Services for the Blind (Currently) - Assistive Technology Training

Days of Availability: Monday - Friday After 4:00 P.M. Weekends 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.

Remote technical assistance (JAWS): Yes

Training Locations: Consumer's Home, Work, School

Jerry Randell

Phone: 718-740-0798


Regions Covered: New York City and Long Island

Technology Knowledge: JAWS, Window-Eyes, Dolphin Products, Microsoft Office Applications, Dragon Naturally Speaking, JAWS Scripting

Educational Background: BS - Computer Science

Experience: 15 Years Teaching Assistive Technology

Days of Availability: Monday - Friday

Remote technical assistance (JAWS): Yes

Training Locations: Consumer's Home or Work

Ray Fernandez


Regions Covered: Manhattan, Queens and Brooklyn

Technology Knowledge: JAWS, Zoomtext, Magic, Some Super Nova, Open book, Kurzweil, Windows, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Email, Internet, Note Takers, Victor, Reader Stream, Plex Talk Pocket

Educational Background: Bachelor's Degree - Computer Information Systems

Certificates: Microsoft A+ Certification

Experience: 17 Years - Helen Keller Services for the Blind - Assistive Technology Specialist

Days of Availability: By Appointment

Remote technical assistance (JAWS): Yes

Training Locations: Consumer's Home or Work

Raymond Ciafardini

Phone: 631-513-9164


Regions Covered: Suffolk County

Technology Knowledge: JAWS, Zoomtext, Magic, Open Book, Windows, Microsoft Office, CCTVs, PACmate

Educational Background: Bachelor's Degree - Communications

Certificates: Certificate in Human Resource Management, Certificate in Magic and JAWS

Experience: 2 years Training in Assistive Technology

Days of Availability: Monday - Friday Evenings, Flexible on Weekends

Remote technical assistance (JAWS): Yes

Training Locations: Consumer's Home, Work, School