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If blindness or a severe visual impairment has substantially limited your employment prospects, you may be eligible to benefit from the NYSCB Vocational Rehabilitation Program.
The Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Program offers guidance and counseling to assist consumers who are legally blind find or retain employment. Vocational counselors work with the consumer to develop an Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE). The IPE acts as a road map to guide the consumer toward their employment goals. Goals vary, and include preparing for and finding a job, continuing at a current workplace or maintaining a household independently.
In addition to counseling and guidance, services offered through the VR Program may include access to the following:
- Assessments to determine service needs
- Deafblind Services
- Maintenance, transportation, interpreter services and reader services
- Vocational assessment
- Vocational training
- Job training
- Orientation and Mobility (O&M)
- Rehabilitation Teaching
Rehabilitation teaching is instruction which focuses on learning skills to maximize the consumer's activities of independent living. This instruction teaches skills such as Braille, various methods of meal preparation, home management activities and other daily living tasks. The goal of this instruction is to prepare the consumer for school, work or managing their household responsibilities.
- Low vision exams and devices
- Braille instruction
- Assistive technology
- Low-Tech Solutions to Accommodate Employees who are Legally Blind
Purchase of the above services may be funded by NYSCB in some cases.
If you think vocational rehabilitation can help you to enter, engage in or retain gainful employment goals, please contact a district office near you.