You are on this page: Services to Individuals who are Deaf-Blind
People who are deaf-blind have a combination of hearing loss and vision loss that result in the need for special methods of communication. Services to these individuals must be provided by staff that is highly trained and sensitive to the special needs of these individuals.
NYSCB contracts with the Helen Keller National Center to provide consumers with the specialized services that will enable them to reach greater levels of independence. The Helen Keller National Center is the only national rehabilitation program serving youths and adults who are deaf-blind. Communication Skills Training, Orientation and Mobility Training, Vision Rehabilitation Therapy, Social Casework and Job Placement services are provided by the HKNC staff in a residential setting located at Sands Point, NY.
For individuals living too far away from HKNC and not willing to leave their home environment for specialized training services, NYSCB contracts with agencies for the blind which also can provide services to individuals who are deaf-blind.