For Doctors

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The New York State Commission for the Blind (NYSCB) is the state entity responsible for maintaining the Eye Registry of all New Yorkers declared legally blind who reside in New York State. The registry falls under McKinney's Unconsolidated Laws § 8704.

Services are available from the New York State Commission for the Blind and local agencies for the blind.

Optometrists and physicians are required to report the names and addresses of individuals classified as legally blind by completing a Report of Legal Blindness/Request for Information form, (OCFS-4599).

Part A of the form includes basic registry information. Part B is the request for information from NYSCB. This section indicates what type of services the individual might need and facilitates the start of the rehabilitation process.

Helpful information for doctors can be found in Seeing Possibilities: Medical Professional Facts, (Pub. 5154).