Bureau of Children's Medicaid Management

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The Bureau of Children’s Medicaid Management provides technical assistance to Voluntary Foster Care Agencies (VFCAs), Local Departments of Social Services (LDSS) and Managed Care Plans (MCPs) concerning the children in Foster Care Medicaid transition to Managed Care. We provide oversight and monitoring regarding Article 29-I of Section 1 of the Public Health Law.

Article 29-I states that VFCAs must be licensed by the Department of Health in consultation with the Office of Children and Family Services to provide limited health-related services. This license promotes standardization, an enhanced level of health care and expert integration of staff to support case workers and the sharing of information that will benefit all children/youth in care. The implementation of Article 29-I is scheduled for July 1st 2021. Several VFCAs implemented Article 29-I on a Fee-For-Service basis on February 1st, 2021.

Further information and assistance is available by contacting:

New York State Office of Children and Family Services
Bureau of Children's Medicaid Management
52 Washington St, Rm 337N
Rensselaer, NY 12144
Phone: 518-408-4064
Fax: 518-408-3311
E-mail: ocfs-managed-care@ocfs.ny.gov