You are on this page: Human Trafficking - Resources for Professionals
The documents on this site were developed by OCFS to support professionals in the field identify and provide services to youth who have been trafficked or sexually exploited. These resources incorporate promising practices developed with Safe Harbour: NY programs.
Tools Required by the Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act
The use of the following tools is required for certain professionals in accordance with OCFS's policy 15-OCFS-ADM-16 - Requirements to Identify, Document, Report, and Provide Services to Child Sex Trafficking Victims:
- OCFS-3920 - Child Sex Trafficking Indicators
- OCFS-3920-S - Herrmamienta de Indicadores de Tráfico Sexual Infantil
- OCFS-3921 - Rapid Indicator Tool to Identify Children Who May Be Sex Trafficking Victims or are at Risk of Being a Sex Trafficking Victim
- OCFS-3921-S - Herramienta para la Rápida Detección de Identificadores (para identificar a niños que posiblemente sean víctimas de tráfico sexual)
- OCFS-3922 - Law Enforcement Report of a Child Sex Trafficking Victim
Word | PDF - OCFS-3922-S - Denuncia de una Víctima de Tráfico Sexual Infantil a una Agencia de Orden Público
The following resources are available to provide guidance to providers using these tools:
- 17-OCFS-INF-03 - NYS Processes Related to Notifications of Human Trafficking Victims
- Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act FAQ
- Desk Aid for child welfare workers for compliance with 15-OCFS-ADM-16
- Sample Sex Trafficking and CSEC Service Referral Pathway
(an illustration of a potential response to victims following the procedures outlined in 15-OCFS-ADM-16 - Requirements to Identify, Document, Report, and Provide Services to Child Sex Trafficking Victims)
The following tools are available to support professionals in accordance with OCFS's policy 16-OCFS-ADM-09-R1 - Protocols and Procedures for Locating and Responding to Children and Youth Missing From Foster Care and Non-Foster Care: (Revised 5/26/2023)
- Tips for Locating Children and Youth - 16-OCFS-ADM-09 Attachment A
- Debriefing Tool for Children and Youth Who Have Returned After Being Absent Without Consent, Missing, or Abducted - 16-OCFS-ADM-09 Attachment B
- Desk Aid for Responding to Children and Youth Who Are Absent, Missing, or Abducted From Foster Care or Home - 16-OCFS-ADM-09 Attachment C (Revised 5/26/2023)
OCFS Anti-Trafficking Toolkits
The OCFS Handbook
In 2016 OCFS released Responding to Commercially Sexually Exploited and Trafficked Youth: A Handbook for Child Serving Professionals (Handbook). This document is intended to guide direct-care professionals through many of the common issues that arise when working with a youth who is vulnerable, trafficked, or sexually exploited.
Download the Handbook as a package for professional printing
Download specifications for professional printing
The OCFS Blueprint
The Blueprint for Building a Child Welfare Response to Commercially Sexually Exploited and Trafficked Youth (Blueprint) is intended to serve as a road map for Local Departments of Social Services (LDSS) to respond to the needs of trafficked and sexually exploited youth and their non-offending family members in their localities. Built on the accomplishments and lessons learned from Safe Harbour: NY partner counties, this document outlines steps counties can take to create or support the infrastructure vital to identifying and providing effective services to trafficked and sexually exploited youth and their non-offending family members.
Trainings on Human Trafficking and the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)
Computer Based Trainings (CBT)
OCFS created several computer-based trainings (CBT) which are accessible through the Human Services Learning Center (HSLC). Anyone with access to HSLC is encouraged to use these free resources:
- Human Trafficking/ Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC): An Overview
- Child Welfare Requirements for Identifying and Working with Sex Trafficking Victims (mandatory for some professionals per the Requirements to Identify, Document, Report, and Provide Services to Child Sex Trafficking Victims policy)
OCFS offers free, computer-based trainings on many subjects through the Human Services Learning Center (HSLC). Users must have an HSLC account to access these trainings. To create a free account visit and click on "Register new account." For support using HSLC contact 1-800-413-3210 or email
Beginning in 2021, OCFS will offer an annual Train-The-Trainer event for our CSEC/Human Trafficking training with supplemental offerings of the Human Trafficking/CSEC 101 training itself that can be scheduled through the Youth Engagement Specialist at each regional office. These offerings will develop the capacity of local partners and programs to provide trainings on human trafficking and the commercial sexual exploitation of children. For more information please contact
Additional Training Resources
- Many Safe Harbour: NY partners offer trainings on human trafficking and the commercial sexual exploitation of children. For more information contact
- National Human Trafficking Hotline maintains a robust training library.
- The Federal Office on Trafficking in Persons offers a wide-range of free resources and training materials to build the capacity of service providers and communities to respond to human trafficking.
Additional OCFS Tools and Resources
See also Resources for Foreign-Born Youth.
Initial Trafficking Interview Tool for Youth
OCFS created the Initial Trafficking Interview Tool for Youth (OCFS-2175) to help child-serving professionals navigate difficult conversations with youth about work, money, and sex. This optional tool is administered directly to youth to quickly, accurately, and consistently identify youth who have likely been trafficked for sex and labor.
Palm Cards
OCFS created a tool the size of a business card to help educate communities about child trafficking. One side of the card has the definitions of child trafficking, and the reverse has sample questions that can be asked of someone to help assess whether they might be experiencing human trafficking. The palm card contains contact information for the National Human Trafficking Hotline. These cards can be downloaded using the link below and printed locally.
Download the OCFS Anti-Trafficking Palm Card
OCFS Child Trafficking Fast Facts and other Resources
OCFS developed a series of fact sheets and handouts to provide guidance on common challenges within anti-trafficking work. Click on the title of each document below to download these resources.
- Addressing AWOL
- Addressing Youth Recruitment
- Building and working with task forces in response to human trafficking
- Case management with survivors of human trafficking
- Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Boys
- CSEC and Minor Trafficking
- Do's and Don'ts When Discussing Child Trafficking
- Engaging in Conversations with Potential Survivors
- Examining the Link: Foster Care Runaway Episodes and Human Trafficking
- Red Flags of CSEC and Child Trafficking
- Safety Planning
- Safety Planning with Foreign National Children and Youth Survivors of Trafficking Toolkit
- Screening, Assessing, and Interviewing
- Tips for Working with Law Enforcement
Further Reading
A wealth of resources to address human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation of children is available. Please explore the links below to learn more:
- New York State Office of Children and Family Services: New York Prevalence Study of Commercially Sexually Exploited Children
- Administration for Children, Youth and Families: Guidance to States and Services on Addressing Human Trafficking of Children and Youth in the United States
- Office for Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assistance Center: Human Trafficking Task Force e-Guide
- National Human Trafficking Hotline
- National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
- Child Welfare Information Gateway: Human Trafficking Resource Library
- Child Welfare Capacity Building Collaborative: Human Trafficking Resource Library
- Administration for Children and Families Office of Trafficking in Persons: Trafficking in Persons Resources
- National Human Trafficking Training and Technical Assistance Center: Employment Eligibility, Government Benefits, and Federal Financial Aid