Human Trafficking - Resources for Foreign-Born Youth

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While many of the resources linked elsewhere on this site can be used to support this population, this page highlights resources developed specifically for professionals serving foreign-born survivors of child trafficking and exploitation.

USCRI: Tool-kits for serving foreign-born youth survivors of trafficking

The U.S.Committee for Refugees and Immigrants has published a series of tool-kits for serving foreign-born youth survivors of trafficking. They are halfway down the USCRI Trafficking Victim Assistance Providers (TVAP) Program page.

How to Apply for an Eligibility Letter for Foreign National Minors Who Experienced Human Trafficking

The Administration for Children and Families Office of Trafficking in Persons has produced a video explaining how to help foreign-born youth survivors receive a HHS Interim Assistance and Eligibility Letters.

The video is also available on YouTube: How to Apply for an Eligibility Letter for Foreign National Minors Who Experienced Human Trafficking

See also Resources for Professionals.