You are on this page: Title IV-E Foster Care Eligibility Checklist
Title IV-E Eligibility Documentation File Template (OCFS-2125)
The OCFS-2125, Title IV-E Eligibility Documentation File Template, provides an outline to best document your Title IV-E determination. Local districts should create a file on EACH child for whom Title IV-E is being claimed.
- Initial Foster Care Eligibility Checklist (LDSS-4809) Revised: 11/18 (Attachment)
The eligibility checklist is designed to correctly determine and document Title IV-E eligibility. See the Eligibility Manual for Child Welfare Programs for instructions on how to complete this form. - Re-Determination Foster Care Eligibility Checklist (LDSS-4810) Revised: 10/14
Federal and state regulations require that eligibility for assistance be re-evaluated periodically. See the Eligibility Manual for Child Welfare Programs for instructions on how to complete this form. - Re-Entry Into Foster Care for Youth Age 18 and Over Eligibility Checklist (OCFS-4415)