Child Health Care

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Health Insurance

You love them. We'll cover them. (Child Health Plus/Medicaid Banner)

Child Health Plus

New York State has a health insurance plan for kids, called Child Health Plus. Depending on your family's income, your child may be eligible to join either Child Health Plus A (formerly Children's Medicaid) or Child Health Plus B. Both Child Heath Plus A and B are available through dozens of providers throughout the state. Enrolling in Child Health Plus is easy.

Family Health Plus

Family Health Plus is a public health insurance program for adults between the ages of 19 and 64 who do not have health insurance — either on their own or through their employers — but have incomes too high to qualify for Medicaid. Family Health Plus is available to single adults, couples without children, and parents with limited income who are residents of New York State and are United States citizens or fall under one of many immigration categories.

Healthy NY

The State of New York is committed to quality health care for all of its residents. Important legislation has increased the availability of comprehensive health insurance coverage for New York’s uninsured workers and their families. The Health Care Reform Act of 2000 introduced a program entitled Healthy NY which promotes access to quality health care by providing comprehensive health insurance to those citizens who need it most.

Health Services for Children in Foster Care

Go to the Health Services for Children in Foster Care webpage to download OCFS' nationally recognized manual, Working Together. The webpage also contains information on training, pertinent programs and policies, and resources to learn more.