Domestic Violence Prevention in New York State

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Domestic violence is when a person does things to control someone else in an intimate relationship. A shift in power can happen so slowly over time that the other person may not even remember when it happened; it can also happen quickly after some sort of commitment or a change in the relationship. Physical abuse is only one of many ways a partner might try to gain power and control in a relationship.

The New York State Domestic Violence Prevention Act was enacted in 1987 to support services for victims of domestic violence and their children.

This law requires counties to provide shelter and services to victims of domestic violence and establishes mainstream funding mechanisms for these programs.

OCFS created regulations to promote standards for the establishment and maintenance of residential and non-residential domestic violence programs, and establish local department of social services responsibility for financial and contractual arrangements with providers of domestic violence residential services.

See the OCFS domestic violence regulations (18 NYCRR Parts 452-455, 462 and 408) for more information.

The primary responsibilities of OCFS in relation to the Domestic Violence Prevention Act include: