You are on this page: Report Child Care Fraud
Report fraud, waste, or abuse using our Child Care Fraud Reporting online form
or by calling 844-863-9317, Monday through Friday, 8:30am – 4:30pm.
Reporting Child Care Fraud in New York State
This page is only for reporting child care fraud committed in New York State, involving:
- Child care subsidy
- The Essential Worker Scholarship
- CARES restructuring and reopening grants
- CARES temporary operating assistance
- CARES 3 Rental Assistance
- Child care Provider Stabilization Grants
Potential Fraudulent Child Care Situations to be Reported
- Billing for child care services not provided
- Provider collecting payment when it is closed
- Provider receiving duplicate child care payments from government stimulus packages
- Provider under-reporting actual enrollment
- Provider billing an incorrect rate for the cost of child care
- Provider illegally receiving child care benefits
- Unreported/underreported income of main caretaker or spouse
- Failure to report changes in people living in household
- Non-custodial caretaker receiving child care benefits
- Lives outside NYS or not at reported address
- Receiving payment for a child who is undocumented
- Providing false information or failing to disclose information on an application for benefits
- Using another person's identity to file fraudulent claims
- Collaborating with an employer to illegally receive child care benefits
Child Care Fraud Reporting Form
Please complete the OCFS Report Child Care Fraud Online Form if you suspect, or have knowledge of, a child care services client fraudulently receiving assistance in New York State.
To Report Other Types of Fraud Committed in New York State
To report other types of fraud committed in New York State:
- New York State Medicaid/Medical Assistance Fraud - call 1-877-873-7283
- SSI (Supplemental Security Income) Fraud - call 1-800-269-0271
- Social Security Disability Insurance Fraud - call 1-800-269-0271
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Vendor Fraud - call 1-800-424-9121 or email
- New York State Department of Labor – use the Department of Labor DOL fraud reporting form
Thank you for your assistance in helping to maintain the integrity of New York State’s assistance programs.
Misconduct by State Employee or Person Doing Business with NYS
The NYS Office of the Inspector General investigates alleged corruption, fraud, criminal activity, conflicts of interest or abuse by a State employee or a person doing business with the State.
Examples include but are not limited to:
- The giving or receiving of bribes or unlawful gifts
- Theft or misuse of State property or funds
- Conflicts of interest
- Discrimination
Call toll-free 800-DO-RIGHT (800-367-4448) to report misconduct. See the NYS Office of the Inspector General for more information.
The NYS Joint Commission on Public Ethics (JCOPE) also provides New Yorkers with a means to report misconduct by State officials and employees, lobbyists and their clients, and others who fall under its jurisdiction. Call toll-free 800-87-ETHICS (800-873-8442). See the JCOPE website for more information.