Child Care News Articles

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New Family and Group Family Child Care Regulations Released - Effective May 1, 2014

The revised family day care and group family day care regulations (Parts 413, 416 and 417) have been adopted and will go into effect on May 1, 2014. This six-month lag period is built into the process to allow providers the time they need to become familiar with and come into compliance with the changes made to these regulations.

The revised regulations offer improved health and safety standards as well as increased clarity and organization. OCFS is prepared to work together with our committed child care providers toward the increased safety and health of New York’s children.

OCFS has scheduled a statewide child care provider video conference on November 14, 2013 to introduce the changes and other learning opportunities will follow. Licensors and registrars will also be available to provide technical assistance as needed.

Click here to read the new regulations.