Child Care News Articles

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EpiPen Shortage Information

Due to the shortage of epinephrine autoinjectors declared on May 9, 2018, by the Federal Drug Administration, OCFS encourages child care programs to work with families and take the following actions:

  • Providers should check expiration dates for epinephrine auto injectors for children in care. If the injectors are due to expire in the next month or so, notify families so they can plan to get a refill or find an alternative. Families having difficulty obtaining the EpiPen® product can call Mylan Customer Relations at 800-796-9526 for assistance.
  • Providers can reach out to their local health care consultant for help.
  • If an alternative is found, the provider needs training on its use by the parent or health care provider or a health care consultant per OCFS regulations.
  • If all of the above have been explored, parents could choose to give written permission to provider to use expired epinephrine auto injector in an emergency if it is not discolored or cloudy (rather than clear), and doesn’t contain solid particles. Providers should maintain a copy of the permission on file in the program. The permission is only in effect during the shortage the FDA declared on May 9, 2018.