You are on this page: Liability Insurance Information for Child Care Programs
- The Business of Family Child Care: Legal and Insurance Issues with Tom Copeland webinar and presentation slides on YouTube provide information about identifying and managing risks, types of insurance and coverage, where to find insurance and how to work with an insurance agent.
- The checklist Ten Questions to Ask Before You Purchase Family Child Care Business Liability Insurance was created to help family child care providers better understand the insurance purchasing process and to help pick the right policy.
- The Child Care Insurance Directory is a listing of companies and agents that offer insurance policies to family child care providers.
- How Insurance Protects You in an Emergency discusses the role of insurance in planning for emergencies.
- The U.S. Small Business Administration has resources, not specific to family child care, that address matters faced by all small business owners. The Get Business Insurance article on the SBA website takes a look at picking insurance, types of insurance and buying business insurance.