New York State Learning and Enrichment After-School Program Supports (LEAPS)

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Program Overview

Children who participate in quality after-school programs have improved school attendance, grades, and work habits; are less likely to repeat a grade and more likely to graduate; have higher school attendance and academic achievement; gain social skills, build their confidence, and learn to think critically; and have better relationships with other students. Additional information about the importance and benefits of quality after-school programs can be found at Attendance Works and the National Conference of State Legislatures.

The purpose of the LEAPS initiative is to support community-based after-school programs that:

  1. Provide academic support and enrichment opportunities that will assist students in meeting academic and personal goals, as well as expose youth to future learning and life opportunities.
  2. Prioritize students’ social-emotional wellness and increase opportunities to mitigate the impacts from COVID-19, as well as expand students’ access to social and emotional support services. Please see the Afterschool Alliance for more information.
  3. Expand students’ community and family engagement and programs that support mentorship, employment, and life skills training.

Important Dates and Deadlines

Event Date
Issuance of Request for Proposals 02/12/2024
Recording of Applicant Webinar posted (on or about) 02/21/2024
Deadline for Submission of Written Questions 02/28/2024
Responses to Written Questions Published (on or about) 04/03/2024
Recommended Deadline for Not-For-Profits to Complete the Prequalification Process 04/12/2024
Deadline for Submission of Proposals 04/25/2024
by 4:00 PM Eastern Time
Anticipated Notification of Award (not earlier than) 06/13/2024
Anticipated Contract Start Date (not earlier than) 09/01/2024

RFP Funding Opportunity Link

Please Note: This RFP was amended most recently on 4/4/2024. The deadline for submission of proposals was extended to 4/25/2024 by 4:00 PM Eastern Time. The Attachment 10 – Eligible School Districts to Serve for LEAPS was updated to expand eligibility. Please refer to amended and updated documents for additional information.


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