Child Care Capital Program

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Program Overview

Quality child care is critical to New York families as it provides a safe environment for children, while also providing the educational foundation for the next generation of New Yorkers. Working families struggle to find quality programs in their communities in every corner of the State.

In order to effectively address New York’s continuing need for affordable, quality child care services, New York State has made $50 million available for the NYS Child Care Capital Program. The Child Care Capital Program was created to provide funding to assist child care providers in expanding the capacity of their programs.

The Child Care Capital Program will provide reimbursement grants for the design, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, equipment, and other capital assets for existing or proposed not-for-profit or for-profit child day care centers licensed pursuant to 18 NYCRR 418-1, school age child care programs registered pursuant to 18 NYCRR 414 and Article 47 permitted programs.

Important Dates and Deadlines

Event Date
Funding Opportunity Announcement 12/20/2023
Open Application Question Period Begins 12/20/2023
Applicant Webinar 01/24/2024
Deadline to Submit Questions 01/31/2024
Answers Posted By 02/29/2024
Registration/Prequalification Submissions to Grants Gateway Through 04/15/2024
Application Submission Period 12/20/2023-05/22/2024
Application Scoring 05/24/2024-06/30/2024
Awards Announced No Earlier Than 07/15/2024


Do you want to learn more about the Child Care Capital Program? Below is the link to our Applicant Webinar:


To be eligible for the Child Care Capital Program, a business entity must:

  1. Be pre-qualified (not-for-profit entity) or registered (for-profit entity) for funding through the New York State Grants Management System in Statewide Financial System (SFS).
  2. Have site control at the time of application.
  3. The applicant project must have construction feasibility.
  4. By applying for this grant, the applicant attests to a willingness to accept families in receipt of child care assistance.

Proposed or existing not-for-profit or for-profit child day care centers licensed pursuant to 18 NYCRR 418-1, school age child care programs registered pursuant to 18 NYCRR 414 and Article 47 permitted programs.

Note: Child care programs requesting funds for construction/renovation projects cannot be located in a facility owned by a religious organization.

Application Requirements

The proposed project will be awarded points based on whether it is located in an area with a current shortage of regulated child care services, as defined by the Child Care Desert regional information (See REDC Child Care Deserts Map section below) and must be intended to be used as a child care program for at least eight years.

Applicants must demonstrate the ability to obtain all necessary approvals and licenses/registrations to operate the child care program within six months of the completion of the construction project, as defined by when the Certificate of Occupancy is issued.

Projects must be shovel ready and worth at least $500,000. The funds are to be used for design, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, and equipment.

Applicants must prequalify for New York State Grants through Grants Gateway. Please review the RFA below for additional application requirements.

Request For Applications (RFA)

RFA Attachments

Dormitory Authority of the State of New York (DASNY)

Dormitory Authority of the State of New York (DASNY) is New York State's public finance and construction authority. DASNY finances, designs, and builds health and education infrastructure that is the foundation of inclusive, sustainable communities. OCFS has partnered with DASNY to assist child care programs in the creation and expansion of their physical capacity.

DASNY Contact Info: or 518-257-3177

All Applicants must have the Statewide Financial System (SFS) status of Prequalified or Registered prior to submitting a Child Care Capital Program Application. Uploading documentation and obtaining the appropriate status may take multiple weeks. It is recommended that all potential Child Care Capital Program Applicants start the SFS process, as soon as possible to ensure they are eligible to apply by the Application deadline. No exceptions or waivers will be provided.

To register and/or prequalify your organization in SFS, please refer to the Grants Management website at the following links for more information:


REDC Child Care Capital Program Deserts Map

To view the detailed REDC Child Care Deserts map you can select the map below or visit

Child Care Deserts Map Instructions: Child Care Deserts Map Instructions English | Child Care Deserts Map Instructions Spanish/Español