CCDBG: What is Required?

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To initiate the comprehensive background check process for staff new to child care who have not been fingerprinted previously, individuals must follow the instructions on the OCFS-4930 form to schedule a fingerprinting appointment and also submit a completed OCFS-6000 packet to their program’s provider/director.


Individuals that need to have fingerprints taken need to schedule an appointment with IdentoGO by either going to its website at or by calling 1-877-472-6915. Applicants will be able to select a location closest to their home or place of employment. IdentoGO offers extended daily hours and weekend services at most locations throughout the State.

Applicants will be required to bring two forms of ID, at least one of which must have a photo in order to have their fingerprints taken. There is no cost for fingerprinting to the individuals who are applying to work in a day care program or any household members over the age of 18. Each person appearing without the acceptable IDs will be directed back to the day care provider or licensing/registration representative or enrollment agency for further instructions. Questions regarding this procedure should be directed to your licensing/registration representative or enrollment agency.

Required Forms

In addition, individual forms must be completed for all staff, legally-exempt providers, volunteers and all household members 18 years of age or older as noted in the chart below:


  1. Legally-exempt informal child care providers who are related to ALL children in care as a grandparent, great grandparent, sibling (who resides in a separate residence), aunt or uncle are exempt from comprehensive background check requirements, as are their staff and volunteers.
  2. Legally-exempt family child care household members age 18 or older who are related to ALL children in care in any way are exempt from comprehensive background check requirements.
Select the form number in the table to go to that form, or see the complete list below.
Requirements For LDSS-3370 OCFS-6001 OCFS-6002 OCFS-6003 OCFS-6004 OCFS-6005 OCFS-6022
All Staff & Volunteers in Licensed/Registered Programs yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
G/FDC Household Member 18 Years & Older yes yes no no yes yes yes
G/FDC Household Member Under 18 Years Old no yes no no yes no no
Legally-Exempt Group Staff and Volunteers yes yes no no yes no yes
Legally-Exempt Informal Providers, Staff, Volunteers and LE Child Care Household Members 18 years & older yes yes no no no no yes
