You are on this page: Comprehensive Background Check (CBC) Renewals
Federal and state laws that became effective in September 2019 require a comprehensive background check for people in child care programs. An approved comprehensive background check is valid for up to five (5) years as long as there is no break in child care employment for more than 180 days. The initial five-year approval time frame is approaching, and programs need to begin the background check renewal process.
In January 2024, OCFS started sending programs a monthly email listing people whose background check will expire within 364 days. Those individuals were also notified by email or letter that they need to be re-fingerprinted and submit the required clearance forms within two weeks of receiving the notice.
The OCFS Facility Application and Management System (FAMS) will support programs to complete the CBC process. All the required clearance documentation can be submitted through FAMS. There is a countdown clock on the FAMS facility staff list screen that shows the days remaining until a person’s CBC expires. This can assist with managing this process.
Log Into FAMS
If you need access to FAMS, please contact your regulator.
Need assistance completing your FAMS CBC? Join OCFS at an upcoming FAMS CBC Renewals Technical Assistance session to learn more about CBC Renewals and get your questions answered!
CBC Renewals Process
- The program and individual are notified when an individual has a background check that will expire in 364 days.
- Individuals should schedule an appointment to get re-fingerprinted within two weeks of receiving their CBC expiration coming due notice. They must also complete a new criminal conviction statement, SCR, SEL and out-of-state information form and submit these forms to the program.
- Once the individual appears on the program’s staff list in FAMS after submitting their fingerprints with a status of “Initiated Fingerprints” in the Renewal Clearance Status column, the program can complete the required tabs in FAMS for CBC renewals.
Required Forms for CBC Renewals
For CBC renewals, the forms below must be completed and submitted for all individuals whose current CBC approval will expire within 364 days.
- CBC Renewals Packet - English CBC Renewals Packet | Spanish/Español CBC Renewals Packet
What You Need to Know
- A person should not initiate the CBC renewal process until they are prompted to do so either by a personal email from OCFS or if they are listed on the provider CBC renewal coming due email.
- The monthly CBC Expiration Coming Due email that programs receive will include a list of all people who need to renew their CBC.
- Please notify OCFS immediately if any individual included in the email is no longer associated with your program.
- If the person who needs to renew their CBC has provided an email address, they will also receive an email from OCFS. If not, they will receive a letter in the mail. Providers are encouraged to check their staff emails to make sure they are up to date for their staff.
- To renew a CBC, a person must be fingerprinted and submit the required forms. They should complete these steps within two weeks of receiving their renewal notice.
- A person will stay on the monthly renewal list until they get fingerprinted and submit the required information.
- A person may continue in their role at your program until the current CBC expires. If they fail to renew their CBC, their current approval will expire at the five-year mark, and they can no longer continue in their current role. This could impact a program’s regulatory compliance, so it is important that the CBC is renewed in a timely manner.
Need Assistance?
- Join a FAMS CBC Renewals Technical Assistance session - Register Today!
- Visit the CCDBG: Training, Resource, and Information Center.
- Contact your regulator.
- Email the following mailbox: