Child Welfare Data

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Bright Spots Data

Older Data

Bright Spots Data

2013 CFSR LDSS Data Packet

Safety Profiles

Permanency (Foster Care) Profiles

2009-2011 Data Measures

The use of safety, permanency and child well-being performance measures are key to improving our child welfare system.

In the Spring of 2009, local social service districts were provided with key data measures. These measures were provided to assist districts in identifying strengths and potential areas needing improvement, and to improve their understanding of possible underlying factors that contribute to their child welfare performance.

Through an in-depth analysis of these key measures and through stakeholder discussions, local districts were asked to develop individualized Program Improvement Plans that will serve as their roadmap to improving outcomes for children and families. Districts will be provided with updates to their key performance measures every six months in order to monitor their progress.

The data provided here is statewide.

Spring 2011 CFSR Performance Measures

Fall 2010 CFSR Performance Measures

spring 2010 FSR Performance Measures

Fall 2009 CFSR Performance Measures

Spring 2009 CFSR Performance Measures