OCFS Opiate Abuse Resources and Services

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About the Advisory Group

The growing heroin and opioid epidemic in communities across New York State has a profound impact on children, families, adults, communities, and the child welfare field. OCFS formed a heroin work group in early 2014, partnering with local departments of social services, Tribal Nations, and other provider agencies to gather information about local and statewide activities, facilitate links to resources, coordinate outreach activities, and align child welfare policies with recommended practices.

The OASAS HOPEline (1-877-846-7369) offers free, confidential help for alcoholism, drug abuse, and problem gambling 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Clinicians offer crisis and motivations interviewing for callers in need, and refer callers to more than 1,500 local prevention and treatment providers.

General Resources

Finding Help

Heroin and Health

Resources for Professionals