Operations Manual for Training Vendors

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Operations Manual

The Operations Manual for Training Vendors (OMTV) provides essential guidance on contract/work plan implementation for those educational institutions and other organizations providing training services sponsored by the OCFS Bureau of Training and Development (BTD). Please note that the Bureau of Training and Development refers to these institutions and organizations collectively as "vendors" regardless of their public or private status.

The OMTV dated May 2019 (downloadable below) is a successor to the 2009 Project Operations Manual (POM) previously in use. The OMTV substitutes for all references to the POM found in existing contracts, memorandums of understanding, work plans, and other official documents. In addition to specific policies and procedures, it includes background information, a glossary, staff directory, list of forms, and other content designed to educate vendors and their staff about administrative requirements.

Please note that the OMTV's Appendix 4, the OCFS Bureau of Training and Development Copyright Policy, is a free-standing document. All vendor forms identified within the OMTV are also freestanding documents. Some were developed in MS Word and others in MS Excel format, depending on which was more suitable. Each form comes with accompanying instructions. They are identified below according to the primary process area where they come into play.

If you need further information relevant to the manual and associated forms, please contact your assigned BTD training manager for questions in the following process areas: Planning and Communication; Oversight and Controls; Information; Human Resources; Deliverables; Changes to Contracts/Work Plans; and Reporting. For questions on Procurement, and Cost Management and Reimbursement, please contact the Bureau of Training and Development's Finance and Administration Unit at 518-474-7039.

Select a link below to view, print and download the documents you need:

Vendor Forms

Planning and Communication

Human Resources



Creation and Use of Training Products

Provision and Evaluation of Training Events

Costs Management and Reimbursement

Changes to Contracts/Work Plans
