State Plans

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Child and Family Services Plan (CFSP)

The CFSP is a five-year strategic plan to strengthen New York’s overall child welfare system. This plan integrates programs that serve children and families, including Title IV-B of the Social Security Act, the Chafee Foster Care Independence Programs and Education, and Training Voucher Programs. The CFSP consolidates plans for these programs to comprehensively integrate the array of child welfare services, from prevention and protection to permanency. OCFS updates New York State’s CFSP every five years to receive Title IV-B funding from the United States Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families.

Annual Progress and Services Reports (APSR)

The New York State Annual Progress and Services Report (APSR) provides an update on the progress made toward accomplishing the goals and objectives in the Child and Family Services Plan (CFSP), highlights to planned goals, objectives, and activities since the CFSP’s submission and plans going forward. Completion of the APSR satisfies the Federal regulations at 45 CFR 1355 and 1357 by providing updates on the State’s progress over the previous fiscal year and planned activities for the upcoming years. In order for States and Territories to receive Federal Fiscal Year 2016 funds for Title IV-B, Chafee and ETV programs.

Available Reports

Title IV-E Plan

Title IV-E of the Social Security Act provides federal funding for foster care, adoption assistance, and kinship guardianship assistance payments and administration that helps provide safe and stable out-of-home care for children until the children are safely returned home, placed permanently with adoptive families, or placed in other planned arrangements for permanency.

NYS Family First Prevention Act Title IV-E Prevention Plan

The New York State Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) Prevention Plan, submitted to the federal government on February 24, 2022, has been approved by the federal Administration for Children and Families.

Social Services Block Grant

Title XX of the Social Security Act provides funding for social services through the Social Services Block Grant (SSBG). Section 2004 of the SSA requires that, prior to the expenditure by a state of payments made to it under section 2002 of the SSA, the state must report to the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) on the intended use of Title XX payments, including information on the types of activities to be supported and the categories and characteristics of individuals to be served.