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Kinship Publications for Caseworkers
This desk aid is intended to help caseworkers quickly reference publications that are required and others that are recommended at various points in their service to families, as described in Administrative Directive 18-OCFS-ADM-23. The directive details requirements for providing publications to potential and current caregivers of children removed from their homes.
Pub. 5200 - Kinship Publications Desk Aid for Caseworkers
Planning for Youth Ages 14-21 in Foster Care
This desk aid was developed to assist caseworkers with completing required transition planning related actions for older youth in foster care. The desk aid clarifies when such actions must take place and should be used as a reference. It was released with 24-OCFS-ADM-01, which sets forth requirements related to completing the Transition Plan Form (OCFS-5112).
Pub. 2000 – Planning for Youth Ages 14-21 in Foster Care Desk Aid
New York State Bill of Rights for Children and Youth in Foster Care Resources
The federal Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act (P.L 113-183) requires that every youth in foster care 14 years of age and older be provided with a document that lists the youth’s rights with respect to education, health, safety, visitation, court participation, and access to consumer credit checks. To comply with this requirement, 23-OCFS-ADM-15-R1 released and required the provision of the New York State Bill of Rights for Children and Youth in Foster Care (Pub. 2001) and the My Rights in Foster Care (Pub. 2002). Additional resources for caseworkers and youth are as follows:
- My Rights in Foster Care: An Activity Book for Young Children in Care (Pub. 5180) is a recommended resource to assist younger children in foster care learn about their rights.
- Step-by-Step Guidance on Distribution and Review of the Bill of Rights for Youth Aged 14 and Older (Pub. 5181) provides guidance to caseworkers on the steps involved in all required actions associated with the Bill of Rights.
- The New York State Bill of Rights for Children and Youth in Foster Care Video should be shown to youth to help engage and inform them about the rights to which they are entitled while in foster care, and how they can seek more help understanding them.
Foster Care Casework Contacts
In partnership with CWCS’s Albany regional office, the Publication 5156 was revised in July 2017. It provides information on foster care face-to-face contacts required by 18 NYCRR 441.21 and on requirements for contacts with the child, the parents/relatives, and the caretaker, addressing both frequency and location of the contact.
Pub. 5156 - Foster Care Casework Contacts Desk Aid
Clearance Chart for Certified or Approved Foster Homes
In partnership with the home office and the regional office in New York City, the Bureau of Policy Analysis developed this desk aid that specifies clearance protocols for certified and approved foster parents, and other persons who reside in certified or approved foster homes. Publication 5183 includes the stage of certification or approval in which criminal history records checks, Statewide Central Register checks, and staff exclusion list (SEL) checks must be completed, and identifies the populations for which these checks are required.
Pub. 5183 - Clearance Chart for Certified or Approved Foster Homes
Background Check Chart for Residential Programs for Victims of Domestic Violence
In partnership with CWCS and OCFS’s Division of Legal Affairs, the Bureau of Policy Analysis has developed a desk aid that specifies background check protocols that are now required for prospective employees, volunteers, consultants, and contractors who have the potential for regular and substantial contact with children at the publicly funded emergency shelters, which include residential programs for victims of domestic violence. Publication 5157 includes when residential programs for victims of domestic violence are required to conduct Statewide Central Register database checks, staff exclusion list reviews, and DCJS criminal history checks. It also identifies the populations for which these checks are required.
Pub. 5157 - Background Check Chart for Residential Programs for Victims of Domestic Violence