How to Develop Outcomes

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OCFS has been incorporating evidence and outcome-based practices into its own operations for several years. If you have a contract with OCFS it is likely that you are familiar with outcome-based contracting. Outcome-based contracting is the provision of funding to achieve predefined demonstrated benefits for a specified population. It shifts the focus of contracting from services provision to the impact or results of those services. The important concept in outcome contracting is not, how many referrals, training sessions, home visits, support services, or other activities are provided, but what happens to people as a result.

An outcome-based program requires you to clearly link the components of the program with changes in behavior, attitudes, skills, or knowledge of the targeted population of an intervention. The development of that causal link between program design and the outcome is what is known as a logic model. There are several different approaches for creating logic models or for developing outcome or results based programs. Fundamentally, they all take users through similar logical steps necessary to implement programs where it is possible to measure outcome attainment. Below are websites that may assist you in creating a logic model.

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Welcome to Enhancing Program Performance with Logic Models

This website offers a course in logic models geared towards helping program practitioners use and apply logic models.

The Child Welfare Information Gateway

This website offers a logic model builder for child abuse and neglect, prevention, family support and post-adoption.