You are on this page: 2010 Policy Directives
Administrative Directives (ADM) are external policy statements designed to advise local service districts and voluntary agencies of policy and procedure which must be followed and require specific action.
Informational Letters (INF) are external policy statements that clarify or amplify existing procedures. They may provide general educational information, transmit a new brochure, distribute a revised list of contacts, or announce newly enacted Federal or State legislation.
These are shared with local districts and appropriate voluntary agencies.
Local Commissioners Memorandums (LCM) are external policy releases that transmit information to the local social service districts commissioners on specific topics. An LCM generally affects all local social services districts statewide. Information transmitted by an LCM may include notification of funding, statewide audit results, or instructions pertaining to existing program or administrative procedures.
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Administrative Directives
- 10-OCFS-ADM-16 Notice of Placement Change to Attorneys for Children
- 10-OCFS-ADM-15 Maximum State Aid Rates for Foster Care Programs and Residential Programs for Committee on Special Education Placements - Effective Jul1, 2010, through March 31, 2011
- 10-OCFS-ADM-14 Adjusted Per Diem Chargeback Rates for OCFS-Operated Facilities and Programs for CY 2002, CY 2003, CY 2004, CY 2005, CY 2006, CY 2007
- 10-OCFS-ADM-13 Committee on Special Education Maintenance Rates for July 1, 2010, through June 30, 2011, for Out-of-State Residential Schools Approved by the New York State Education Department
- 10-OCFS-ADM-12 Health Care Proxy for Youth Transitioning Out of Care
- 10-OCFS-ADM-11 Payment of Adoption Subsidies to Certain Approved Adoptive Parent(s) Prior to Finalization of the Adoption
- 10-OCFS-ADM-10 Title IV-E Foster Care and Adoption to Age 21
- 10-OCFS-ADM-09 Requirements for Incorporating Youth Voice into the Annual Renewal of Certified and Approved Foster Homes
- 10-OCFS-ADM-08 New York City Domestic Violence State Aid Rates for July 1 2010 through June 30 2011
- 10-OCFS-ADM-07 Per Diem Chargeback Rates for OCFS-Operated Facilities and Programs
- 10-OCFS-ADM-06 Notification to Prospective Adoptive Families of the Federal Adoption Tax Credit
- 10-OCFS-ADM-05 Maximum State Aid Rates effective April 1 2010 through June 30 2010
- 10-OCFS-ADM-04 Filing Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Applications for Youth Who Are Disabled Transitioning Out of Foster Care
- 10-OCFS-ADM-03 Rest-of-State Domestic Violence State Aid Rates for January 1 2010 through December 31 2010
- 10-OCFS-ADM-02 Standards of Installation and Maintenance of Carbon Monoxide Detectors and Amandas Law
- 10-OCFS-ADM-01 Maximum State Aid Rates for Foster Care Programs and Residential Programs for Committee on Special Education Placements - Effective July 1, 2009, through March 31, 2010
Informational Letters
- 10-OCFS-INF-12 Child Care and Development Fund Plan Guidelines
- 10-OCFS-INF-11 Photos of Youth in Care
- 10-OCFS-INF-10 Law Invalidating Puerto Rican Birth Certificates “Effective date extended to October 30, 2010.”
- 10-OCFS-INF-09 Guidelines for Casework Contacts with Parents or Relatives by Parent Advocates (Cancelled October 2023. Replaced by 23-OCFS-INF-10)
- 10-OCFS-INF-08 Introducing New Fatality Report Format
- 10-OCFS-INF-07 Flexibility in Sleeping Arrangement Requirements for Sibling Foster Care Placements
- 10-OCFS-INF-06 2010 Income Standards for the Child and Family Services Plan
- 10-OCFS-INF-05 Lead Safe Practices
- 10-OCFS-INF-04 Child Care Subsidy Program - Improper Authorization for Payment
- 10-OCFS-INF-03 New Brochure - Know Your Options: Relatives Caring for Children
- 10-OCFS-INF-02 Casework Contacts Best Practice Guidelines
- 10-OCFS-INF-01 New York State Participation in the National Center for Child Death Review NCCDR
Local Commissioner Memorandums
- 10-OCFS-LCM-17 Child Welfare-Juvenile Justice Transition and Permanency Planning Protocol
- 10-OCFS-LCM-16 Guidelines and Instructions for Preparing Child and Family Services Plan Annual Plan Update
- 10-OCFS-LCM-15 Guidance for CPS Investigations of Infant Fatalities and Injuries Involving Unsafe Sleeping Conditions
- 10-OCFS-LCM-14 Revised New York State Child Care Block Grant Supplemental American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Allocations for the Period October 1, 2009 through March 31, 2011
- 10-OCFS-LCM-13 2010-2011 Enhanced CPS Funds
- 10-OCFS-LCM-12 Federal Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Independent Living Allocations
- 10-OCFS-LCM-11 New York State Child Care Block Grant Subsidy Program Allocations for State Fiscal Year 2010-2011
- 10-OCFS-LCM-10 Federal Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Education and Training Voucher Program
- 10-OCFS-LCM-09 Multidisciplinary Teams and Child Abuse Investigations
- 10-OCFS-LCM-08 Funding for Prevention of Detention and Residential Placement for Youth at Risk of Entering the Juvenile Justice System or Becoming a PINS
- 10-OCFS-LCM-07 TANF Funding For Non-Residential Domestic Violence Services for 2010-11
- 10-OCFS-LCM-06 Community Optional Preventive Services (COPS) Program FFY 2009-10SFY 2010-11 Funding and Claiming Instructions
- 10-OCFS-LCM-05 SFY 2010-11 Foster Care Block Grant Allocations
- 10-OCFS-LCM-04 SFY 2010-11 Social Services Block Grant (Title XX) Allocations
- 10-OCFS-LCM-03 New York State Child Care Block Grant Supplemental American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Allocations for the Period October 1, 2009 through March 31, 2011
- 10-OCFS-LCM-02 Federal Administration for Children and Families’ Final Report on the 2009 Title IV-E Subsequent Primary Foster Care Eligibility Review
- 10-OCFS-LCM-01 Child Care Market Rates 2009-2011