You are on this page: 2008 Policy Directives
Administrative Directives (ADM) are external policy statements designed to advise local service districts and voluntary agencies of policy and procedure which must be followed and require specific action.
Informational Letters (INF) are external policy statements that clarify or amplify existing procedures. They may provide general educational information, transmit a new brochure, distribute a revised list of contacts, or announce newly enacted Federal or State legislation.
These are shared with local districts and appropriate voluntary agencies.
Local Commissioners Memorandums (LCM) are external policy releases that transmit information to the local social service districts commissioners on specific topics. An LCM generally affects all local social services districts statewide. Information transmitted by an LCM may include notification of funding, statewide audit results, or instructions pertaining to existing program or administrative procedures.
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Administrative Directives
- 08-OCFS-ADM-11 New York City Domestic Violence State Aid Rates for July 1 2008 through June 30 2009
- 08-OCFS-ADM-10 Payment Rates for Bridges to Health _B2H_ Home and Community Based Waiver Services effective January 1 2008 through March 31 2008 and effective April 1 2008
- 08-OCFS-ADM-09 Maximum State Aid Rates Effective July 1 2008 through March 31 2009
- 08-OCFS-ADM-08 Committee on Special Education Maintenance Rates for July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009, for Out-of-State Residential Schools Approved by the NY SED
- 08-OCFS-ADM-07 Standards and Procedures for Approval of Supervised Independent Living Programs Canceled on January 24, 2022; replaced by 22-OCFS-ADM-02.
- 08-OCFS-ADM-06 Criminal History Record Checks and Mandatory Disqualifying Crimes (Foster and Adoptive Parents) CANCELED 12-20-2016
- 08-OCFS-ADM-05 Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS)-cancelled and replaced by 11-OCFS-ADM-01 CANCELED; replaced by 11-OCFS-ADM-01
- 08-OCFS-ADM-04 Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) Applicable to Maximum State Aid Rates (MSARs) Effective April 1, 2008, Through June 30, 2008 (Rev. June 6, 2008)
- 08-OCFS-ADM-03 Notification to Foster Parent (cancelled on 11/20/23, replaced by 23-OCFS-ADM-22)
- 08-OCFS-ADM-02 Rest-of-State Domestic Violence State Aid Rates for January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2008
- 08-OCFS-ADM-01 Changes associated with CONNECTIONS Build 18-9 Health, Education and Permanency Hearing Report Modules
Informational Letters
- 08-OCFS-INF-15 Changes to the Safety Assessment and Risk Assessment Profile
- 08-OCFS-INF-14 Parent Advocate Programs (Cancelled October 2023. Replaced by 23-OCFS-INF-10)
- 08-OCFS-INF-13 Family Assessment Response Cases
08-OCFS-INF-12 2008 Statutory Amendments Concerning Surrenders and the Provision of an Adoption Information Registry Birth Parent Registration Consent Form and the Impact of the Death of a Prospective Adoptive Parent Before the Completion of the Adoption
- Attachment - DOH-4455 Birth Parent AIR Form (Rev. December 2, 2008)
- 08-OCFS-INF-11 Adoption Information registry - DOH
- 08-OCFS-INF-10 Definition of an Authorized Agency Chapter 107 of the Laws of 2007
- 08-OCFS-INF-09 Federal Administrative Cost Review Report
- 08-OCFS-INF-08 Educational Considerations for Out-Of-State Facility Placements
- 08-OCFS-INF-07 Preparation for the Elimination of the Opt-Out Provision for Conducting Criminal History Record Checks CANCELED 12-20-2016
- 08-OCFS-INF-06 Interstate Compact on Adoption and Medical Assistance
- 08-OCFS-INF-05 Child and Family Services Plan - 2008 Income Standards
- 08-OCFS-INF-04 Out-of-State Foster Homes Documentation of Licensure for Title IV-E Foster Care Eligibility
- 08-OCFS-INF-03 Definition of State for the Purpose of Out-of-State SCR Checks
- 08-OCFS-INF-02 The Use of Psychiatric Medications for Children and Youth in Placement - Authority to Consent to Medical Care
- 08-OCFS-INF-01 Mandated Reporters, Chapter 193 of the Laws of 2007 (replaces 07-OCFS-INF-07)
Local Commissioner Memorandums
- 08-OCFS-LCM-15 Purchased Preventive Services Cost of Living Adjustment for State Fiscal Year 2008-09
- 08-OCFS-LCM-14 Best Interests Determinations on Fatality Reports (Revised 10-09-08)
08-OCFS-LCM-13 Guidelines and Instructions for Preparing Child and Family Services Plan Annual Plan Update
- Attachment - Templates for 2008 Child and Family Services Annual Plan Update (APU)
- Attachment - Strategic Component Instructions for 2008 APU
- Attachment - Administrative Component Instructions for 2008 APU
- Attachment - Youth Bureau Administrative Component Instructions for 2008 APU
- Attachment - PINS Diversion Services Plan Instructions for 2008 APU
- Attachment - Child Care Technical Assistance Guide 2008 APU
- 08-OCFS-LCM-12 Tuition Reimbursement for Educationally Handicapped Foster Children Placed in Child Care Institutions for the 2006-2007 School Year
- 08-OCFS-LCM-11 Funding for the Prevention of Detention and Residential Placement for Youth at Risk of Entering the Juvenile Justice System or Becoming a PINS
- 08-OCFS-LCM-10 Child Care Market Rates 2007-2009
- 08-OCFS-LCM-09 SFY 2008-09 Foster Care Block Grant Allocations (Revised 6-9-08)
- 08-OCFS-LCM-08 NYS Child Care Block Grant Subsidy Program Allocations for State Fiscal Year 2008-2009
- 08-OCFS-LCM-07 SFY 2008-09 Social Services Block Grant Title XX Allocations
- 08-OCFS-LCM-06 TANF Funding for Non-residential Domestic Violence Services
- 08-OCFS-LCM-05-Funding for Enhancing CPS Staffing
- 08-OCFS-LCM-04 Federal Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Independent Living Allocations
- 08-OCFS-LCM-03 Federal Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Education and Training Voucher Program
- 08-OCFS-LCM-02 Family Assessment Response Application-Plan 2
- 08-OCFS-LCM-01 Ineligibility for Title IV-E Foster Care for Placements in Certain Non-OCFS-Licensed Programs