You are on this page: 1987 Policy Directives
Administrative Directives (ADM) are external policy statements designed to advise local service districts and voluntary agencies of policy and procedure which must be followed and require specific action.
Informational Letters (INF) are external policy statements that clarify or amplify existing procedures. They may provide general educational information, transmit a new brochure, distribute a revised list of contacts, or announce newly enacted Federal or State legislation.
These are shared with local districts and appropriate voluntary agencies.
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Administrative Directives
- 1987 ADM-53 Expanded Capacity for Certain Family Day Care Homes
- 1987 ADM-42 Provision of Family and Children Services to Homeless Families Placed Outside their County of Origin
- 1987 ADM-38 Dual Certification of Family Day Care and Family Foster Care Homes
- 1987 ADM-26 Reimbursement Ceilings for Soc. Ser. for period 10-1-86 - 9-30-87
- 1987 ADM-23 Court Reviews for Children Freed for Adoption
- 1987 ADM-20 Extensions of Placement Pursuant to Family Court Act 756-a (PINS)
- 1987 ADM-12 Policy on Reimbursement for Payment for Children Absent from Day Care
- 1987 ADM-10 Reimbursement for Foster Care Administrative Expenditures
- 1987 ADM-09 Requirement Acknowledgement of Twelve Months Preference in Foster Care Agreements
- 1987 ADM-08 Limitation for Publcations of Petitions to Terminate Parental Rights
- 1987 ADM-06 Orders to Gain Access to Persons
- 1987 ADM-01 Acquisition of Social Security Numbers in the Provision of social Services
Informational Letters
- 1987 INF-62 recommended Procedure for Fire Drills
- 1987 INF-61 Use of the DSS-2860, child supprt Enforcement Referral, for TItle IV-E Fos. Care
- 1987 INF-59 Chapters 67, 75, 97, 129, 160, 162,443, 478, 760,776, and 793 of the Laws of 1987
- 1987 INF-51 Recertification of Eligibility for Day Care
- 1987 INF-24 Permanency Planning Skill- The Formulation of Client Service Goals