Regulations Filed for Public Comment

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A proposed regulation filed for public comment is a new proposed regulation, or an amendment or repeal of an existing regulation, which OCFS is considering adopting on a permanent basis. A proposed regulation is filed with the Secretary of State and published in the State Register to notify and afford the public an opportunity to comment.

The comment period generally is 60 days from the date of publication in the State Register after which time OCFS must assess any comments received. If OCFS decides not to make any substantial changes to a proposed regulation based upon the assessment of public comment, then the regulation may be permanently adopted by OCFS. However, if OCFS decides to make substantial changes to a proposed regulation, then OCFS must file a Notice of Revised Rulemaking for publication in the State Register.

The comment period for a revised rulemaking is 45 days from the date of publication in the State Register. OCFS must assess any comments received during this public comment period before permanently adopting the regulation.

Current Postings

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Submit comments to

New York State Office of Children and Family Services
52 Washington Street, Room 133 North
Rensselaer, NY 12144
Fax: 518-486-6378