Children and Family Services Advisory Board

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Created by Chapter 436 of the Laws of 1997, the Children and Family Services Advisory Board works with the Commissioner of the Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) to help define the agency’s services and policies.


The Children and Family Services Advisory Board works with the Commissioner of the Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) to help define the agency’s services and policies. The board advises on a range of policy action affecting the State’s long-term agenda for services to children, families and individuals.

Board members are tasked with examining matters relating to the improvement of children and family services; reviewing OCFS rules and regulations prior to finalization; and serving as advocates for OCFS programs and liaisons to local stakeholders.

Membership and Proceedings

The board is comprised of the OCFS Commissioner and 24 voluntary members, with 12 of the members appointed by the Governor while the NYS Senate and NYS Assembly appoint six members each. The board chair is appointed by the Governor. Members are appointed for an initial two- or three-year term and may not serve for more than six years out of any consecutive 12 years. Although board members receive no compensation, OCFS will reimburse members for their actual and necessary expenditures in performance of their duties as authorized and in accordance with New York State requirements and rates of reimbursement. The board meets four times per year.


Departmental Affiliation

New York State Office of Children and Family Services, Commissioner’s Office

Contact Information

Address: 52 Washington St., Rensselaer NY 12144


Phone: 518-473-7793