Helpful Tips for Making a FOIL Request

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Helpful Tips

Before filing a FOIL request, review the caveats below.

Records Maintained by OCFS

Be aware of what records OCFS does and does not maintain.

Records Related to Reports of Child Abuse or Maltreatment

If you are requesting records related to reports of child abuse and maltreatment in New York State, you will need to sign into the OCFS Request For Information (RFI) Portal using your account at:


If you do not have a account, click on the Create an Account link and follow the instructions to register your new account. Once you are signed into the OCFS RFI Portal, you will be prompted for information that will be needed to process your request.

These records are not releasable under FOIL. If you submit a request through FOIL for child abuse or maltreatment records, your request will be denied and you will be sent the above information that describes how to request these types of records.

Records for Youth in Custody

If you are requesting records of youth currently or formerly in the custody of the New York State Office of Children and Family Services, send your request in writing to the Division of Juvenile Justice and Opportunities for Youth at the following address:

New York State Office of Children and Family Services
Division of Juvenile Justice and Opportunities for Youth
52 Washington Street
North Building, Room 145 North
Rensselaer, NY 12144

If these records are requested through FOIL, the request will be denied pursuant to Executive Law section 501-c and you will be directed to follow the above process.

Help Decrease the Processing Time

When submitting a records request, the following suggestions may decrease the processing time:

For more information about FOIL, please visit the New York State Committee on Open Government’s website.