You are on this page: Local DSS: Bronx
New York State is divided into fifty-eight local social services districts. The five boroughs of New York City comprise one district. Outside of New York City each district corresponds to one of the fifty-seven counties that make up the remainder of the state. County Departments of Social Services (DSS) provide or administer the full range of publicly funded social services and cash assistance programs. Families whose income meets state guidelines and who meet other criteria, may be able to receive a subsidy to offset some of their child care costs. If you are interested in learning more about the availability of child care subsidies in your county, please contact your DSS office.
New York City
Administration for Children's Services
150 William St., 18th Floor
New York, NY 10038
Dial 311
212-341-0900 - General Information
212-835-7610 - Child Care Information
NYC Department of Social Services
150 Greenwich Street
Commissioner - 42nd floor / Legal - 38th floor
New York, NY 10007
718-557-1399 - Info Line
718-557-1399 - Outside NYC