ITS Service Desk

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NYS Customer Care Center

The NYS Customer Care Center supporting CONNECTIONS telephone number: 1-844-891-1786

Service Desk Support

The Office of Information Technology Service Desk is charged with supporting agency and county customers with their IT needs. ITS has a team of Customer Service Agents ready to provide technical support and answer your questions.

Contact the ITS Service Desk By:
Phone: 844-891-1786

Note: Access to Chat requires connectivity to ITSM.

NYS ITS Cyber Command Center

A cyber incident is an event that could jeopardize the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of government digital information or information systems.

To Report an Incident, Contact the Cyber Command Center by:
Phone: Cyber Command Center Hotline: 518-242-5045

After hours (5PM- 9AM, weekends and holidays), please call NYS Watch Center at 518-292-2200 and ask to report a cyber incident to the Cyber Command Center