Desktop PC Replacement Memo Attachment E

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In order to migrate your data from your old CONNECTIONS workstation to your new CONNECTIONS workstation, you will be given procedures on what to do. In order to facilitate this migration you should begin performing some of the tasks outlined in those documents well ahead of the time you are scheduled to receive your new workstation.

By performing the tasks as indicated below every Friday before you are scheduled to receive the new workstation you get a chance to practice the procedure to work out any misunderstandings. Additionally, these additional "test runs" will give your LAN Administrator and OFT staff a chance to monitor disk space usage on the server. This will allow for contingency planning in cases where server disk space may not be adequate to serve your site before the actual time comes to migrate and remove your old workstation. And finally, this will provide a copy of your data (although it may not be current) in the case you are not available when your migration is to take place.

The tasks you should perform involve the copy to the H: drive procedures (only) as outlined in the documents made available to you. When the actual migration time occurs you can perform both the copy to your H: drive tasks and the migration/restore/etc. tasks to your new workstation.

Specifically the tasks you should undertake every Friday beginning at least three weeks before your scheduled workstation delivery are:

By performing these copies well ahead of and multiple times you can help ensure that when the actual migration does occur to you new workstation it will be as complete and error-free as possible.