Desktop PC Replacement Bailment Agreement for Local District

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This message is to update you on the current activity related to the New CONNECTIONS Desktop PC Replacement Rollout for local districts in all regions except Region 4 (the Albany Region).

Implementation Coordinators/LAN Administrators in Region 4 should disregard this correspondence as they have previously received this correspondence and the installation of the PC's began during the week of November 26th.

At this time a pilot of the New PC Replacement Rollout has been successfully completed in two districts, Rensselaer and Saratoga counties. The project is moving forward, with installation of the new PC's in the Albany Region (Region 4) beginning the week of November 26th and concluding by December 7, 2001. The installation of the new PC's is scheduled to begin in the Syracuse Region (Region 3) January 7 - 21, 2002 and the Rochester Region (Region 2) January 24, 2002. Districts/Agencies involved in the PC rollout will be contacted by the Office for Technology Command Center approximately two weeks prior to your scheduled implementation date. At that time, the OFT Command Center will send a follow-up letter to site contacts. This letter will contain instructions and stickers that will need to be placed on the computers that have been targeted for replacement.

Note: the computers that are being replaced should match up with the information contained on your district/agency Desktop PC completed spreadsheets that you sent to David Kislowski. Additionally, if there have been changes to your site contact persons since you submitted your site spreadsheets, it is important that you call the OFT Command Center to provide them with the new names and telephone numbers.

From the pilot experience, we recommend that staff review the PC Quick Start Guide prior to installation of the new PC's, in order to insure a smooth installation and transition. The Quick Start Guide and several other preparatory reference materials are available both on the CONNECTIONS Intranet site (on the Desk/Job Aid Page) and within the Public Folders (Public Folders>All Public Folders>Statewide>CONNECTIONS>Desktop PC Replacement).

Note: Due to the size of the Quick Start Guide, you may have difficulty opening the file. We recommend saving the file to a local drive or C: drive and then opening it from there or open it from the Intranet Site.

In addition to utilizing the Job Aid, one of the attachments below is a checklist for supervisors and caseworkers that may be used to help them prepare for the replacement of their PC. The two other attachments describe a modified procedure for migrating the Schedule + and Personal Address Book information onto the new CONNECTIONS Workstations.

This procedure now provides a note that the user must contact their LAN Administrator if they receive an error message when trying to perform those import operations and an associated workaround for LAN Administrators to temporarily add the user to the Power Users group to complete those imports. These documents are posted in the Public Folders (Public Folders>All Public Folders>Statewide>CONNECTIONS>Desktop PC Replacement) and on the Intranet site.

Please note this important reminder: If you have stored any data (Word documents, spreadsheets, other materials) on your current CONNECTIONS workstation's C: drive that you wish to keep, you are responsible for copying these files to your new workstation's C: drive. Your data will not be copied to the new workstation for you. All data on the PC being replaced must be removed (copied) prior to installation. Once the new PC is installed, the old PC will be removed from the site.

If you have any questions related to the schedule of the rollout you may contact the Office for Technology Command Center at 1-800-603-0877. If there are any general questions related to this message you may contact the CONNECTIONS Communications Team.